There are a lot of things that might make people worry about purchasing cars from an individual they don't know. You don't really know how the vehicle has been treated by that previous owner. You can't be completely confident that the car will continue to run after you've handed your money over. You also have no guarantee that the vehicle hasn't been doctored in some way to make it appear like it's in great shape when it's really a lemon camouflaged to look like a peach. You really face quite a few risks when you purchase used cars from private individuals. This isn't the only reason to come into our dealership when you want to buy a previously owned automobile, though.
One of the biggest benefits to buying used cars through dealerships is the resulting access to knowledgeable professionals who can provide repairs and maintenance for the vehicle, long after the transaction has been completed. If you aren't handy with the mechanical aspects of automobiles, then you will need to have a reliable shop. You can rest assured that this technical knowledge will be put to good use even before you make a purchase. Dealerships have technicians employed to inspect vehicles, identify problem areas, and resolve those issues before the cars are put up for sale.
Another great reason to buy through a trustworthy dealership is the potential for some significant time savings. Who really has time to go through the newspaper (or multiple papers) reading through all of the listings offering vehicles for sale. Once you've narrowed down the choices, the hard work has just begun. You'll have to phone or visit each of those sellers, test drive the vehicle, and go through negotiations just hoping that you've made a good decision. How much simpler is it to browse through a large selection of quality used vehicles at one location? If financing is offered onsite, then you'll be in and out after a few hours rather than several days.
Onsite financing is the third wonderful advantage to working with a dealership. In some cases, there will be professionals available who can help buyers with bad credit or no credit. This is a great boon to many individuals who don't have enough cash on hand to buy a vehicle outright. As many borrowers have suffered financially in recent years, those professionals who specialize in bad credit loans will be especially welcome.
Finally, dealers have a vested interest in making sure that customers are satisfied at the end of the transaction. When private individuals sell used cars, they may never have to see the buyer again. When a dealership makes a sale, their reputation is at stake. If they want to continue doing business in the community, then they need to be sure that their services are professional, reliable, and respectable.